For Vitro, our employees are our most valuable asset.
We endeavor to provide them with the ideal conditions for their professional and personal growth.
Workers at Vitro plant
Health and Safety

The Comprehensive Health and Safety System establishes safe conditions within the company, creating operating controls through industrial safety and health policies and procedures and thus protecting the physical integrity of its people and its facilities.

Woman working with face mask
Health and Safety
In 2019 we reduce the number of incapacitating accidents by 37%.
Man working with safety equipment.
Training and Development
At Vitro, we invest in the comprehensive advance- ment of our employees through ongoing training, education and specialization programs.

The programs are designed based on the needs and skills required for certain jobs, and the availability of time and space, so training can be in person, by cor- respondence, or online.
Training and Development
The average number of training hours provided in 2019 was 54 per employee, with an investment of US$1,733,186.

In support of this quality of life and good working environment, we sponsored tournaments in various sports during the year soccer, basketball, golf, volleyball and others, where our employees participate in internal leagues, building camaraderie and commitment to their jobs.